The Jude Element

Public Methods

constructs a new Jude Element and returns a reference to it;
either gets an inline element or creates a new one (see the tutorials)
HTMLElement E ( string elementID )
HTMLElement E ( string elementTag, int x, int y, int w, int h, string htmlOrSrc, string styling )
gets the placement of the element
int gX ()
int gY ()
int gZ ()
sets the placement of the element; sP (setPosition) takes all three arguments at once
void sX ( int x )
void sY ( int y )
void sZ ( int z )
void sP ( int x, int y, int z )
gets the dimensions of the element
int gW ()
int gH ()
gets the total horizontal space (left + right) or total vertical space (top + bottom) taken up by the element's borders
int gBH ()
int gBV ()
gets the total horizontal space (left + right) or total vertical space (top + bottom) taken up by the element's padding
int gPH ()
int gPV ()
sets the dimensions of the element; sS (setSize) takes both arguments at once
void sW ( int w )
void sH ( int h )
void sS ( int w, int h )
manipulates the visibility of the element: sE (showElement), hE (hideElement), sO (setOpacity)
void sE ()
void hE ()
void sO ( int percentOpacity )
sets the clipping of the element
void sC ( int top, int right, int bottom, int left )
writes HTML to the element
void wH ( string html )
for ie5win, determines padding and borders, and adjusts element size accordingly
void boxFix ()
appends the element to another element or to the document body (defaults to document.body)
HTMLElement appendTo ( HTMLElement newParent )
parses a style rule and applies the style properties to the element
void setStyle ( string styleRuleText )

Credit goes to Chris Nott of Dithered for many of the method names. You'll recognize the two-letter names if you've used his 1k DHTML API. Chris' API inspired me — and still does — to create small, efficient code.

Public Properties

judeid a non-negative integer unique for each Jude Element

Private Methods

void propagate ( HTMLElement copyToObject )